Friday, October 26, 2012

Fun With Fan Art

Here is a fews piece I've done in the last few months.  I have a bit more but they're all still in sketch form.  I have to admit... I'm really liking doing all this fan art. From Anime to Hanna Barbera.  I do plan to do a the Gatchaman busts and maybe draw up Pebbles Flintstone to finish off my Hanna Barbera Cartoon Crush set of Judy Jetson and Velma from Scooby doo.  Most of these piece you can find on my online store (KWESTONE Store) if you wanna grab a print for yourself :).  Anyhoo, now I'm prepping for DesignerCon 2012 where I'll have more new art for sale.  So I hope to see you guys there too.

KWESTONE says Two-zeez


  1. I'm definitely getting a Ken print as soon as possible.

  2. EEP OP ORK AHH AHH!!! I LOVED THAT EPISODE!!! thank you for this!!! brilliant!!!
