Monday, October 24, 2011

Two-zeez Movies!

Okay! So today I'm not posting a piece of art that's mine but someone else's. My good friend John Gordon is producing a film called "Coyote Requiem". He needs a little help finishing it. So he started a "campaign to raise the last bit of money needed to finish this film and get it to festivals where they hope it will get picked up". He's not asking for much... JUST TWO BUCKS! WHAT? Craze! Starbucks doesn't have a latte that reasonably priced! That's not even a gallon of gas! Yes, just drop two bucks and get a film made!
I'm a great supporter of independent artists and especially ones that are my friends. So when you guys get the chance read more about it here...Coyote Requiem - Feature Film by Jason Lehel and John Gordon — Kickstarter
... Show some love and drop a couple of duckets... :) Please. Thank you in advance.

KWESTONE say Two-buckz

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Last Son is Done... Son!

Okay! So here is the rendered out version of Eradicator. You gotta love a guy with the word "Rad" in his name. :) Well stay toned folks cuz I'll be working on Azrael next! But for tonight, I'm done. I got work in the morning... early in the morning...:(

KWESTONE say Snoo-zeez!

World's Fiercest

I didn't get to do sketch crawl this weekend. Boo to me. Been busy gearing up for Designer Con. But I did take some time to watch Batman: Year One. Great Story but.... I never really read the comic so I guess I was expect a lot more action. But that's just me. I still love Bats! With that I got all hyped up with DC and did a little marathoning... Young Justice, JLU, Brave and the Bold, etc. So I decide that I wanted to sketch out my own version of "World's Finest". At least one that hasn't been done by DC or that I've seen on the interwebs. So I teamed up the most ruthless incranations of Bats and Supes! That's right... Azrael and The Eradictor!

KWESTONE say Two-zeez!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Cute-zeez Alien Concept

Yay-zer! I start my new job tomorrow! So I thought I'd post something before I get back to the grind! Here are some quick alien concepts I did earlier this year. It was a fun project. I hope I get to do more concepting in the future... where these guys live.. the future. Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

KWESTONE says "Cute-zeez"