Thursday, September 29, 2011

Monstober is before Dead-cember!

The freaks are coming out at night once again for the second Monstoberfest art show! And thankfully they found it fit to ask me to be in the show... Yay! But it's not just me but a whole slew of amazing artist friends of mine! So if your corpse finds its' self in the Anaheim area, meander on down to the show for a "Thiller Night"! Here is a little sneak peak of one of the pieces I'll have at the show.

KWESTONE says "Boo-zeez"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Going on a Button Bender

Yuppers, yours truly got himself a button maker! So I thought I'd have some fun and make a few pins. I love this thing!

KWESTONE says "Yip-Yip!"

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Squid Kid Ink X Kwestone X Gallery 1988

Ollo Blog-ito friends. This Friday (September 16th) Squid Kids Ink and your's truly will be exhibiting some 10-doh customs at Gallery1988 Venice, Los Angeles for the gallery's "Old School Video Game Show". If you're in the neighborhood or just plain like classic video game art, come on through and check it out. And Big Ups to my man, Nate Mitchell for getting me in the show... Check out this picture of him in this sweet Hipster straw hat... :) Btw that's not the real Gallery 1988 flyer. For more info about the show just go to their web site... Gallery1988 .