Wow! The title is way to long. Anyhoo, I know I'm slow at updating my blog but I have a little bit of time while I sit here at A.P.E in San Fran-disco. I promise you I haven't been lazy with my art. Here are a few pieces that I did in the recent months. The "Mickey" painting was actually started while I was in Disney Land. I got an annual pass. So now I don't have to rush in the park. I actually have time to paint! BANANAS! The "Trixy and Treats" piece was done for the "Monstober Fest" held at the Rothick Art Haus Gallery in Anaheim. And finally the "Spray Can Ma-doo-sa" is something I'm just starting on. More artwork is on the way so stay tuned or stay tooned or stay TWO-ZEES!